10 Best Firearms and Guns for Home Defense
There is a famous saying that the best defense is a good offense, and nothing makes for a better offense than a gun. While many guns can be effectively used as home defense firearms, there are a few different things that you may want to consider before deciding. Things like caliber, size, and ease of use are all important considerations for a gun that will act as your home defense.
This is why pistols and handguns make such excellent home defense firearms. Not only are they small and compact which makes them easy to get to, but they pack plenty of firepower and are generally easy to use. But what handguns make for the best home defense guns? Let’s take a look at the 10 best firearms and guns for home defense, and help you decide which one might be right for you!
1. Ruger GP100
For those that like the look and feel of a good revolver, there are few better options than the Ruger GP100. This line of revolvers from Ruger comes in five, six, or even seven models in the newer models. They are double-action, meaning that you do not have to cock the hammer back in order to shoot the gun and can simply pull the trigger. The GP100 can be found in multiple different calibers like 327 federal magnum, 357 magnum, 38 special, 22 long rifle, 44 special, and 10mm auto. Of these options, 357 magnum is by far the most prevalent and seen. All of these calibers, however, make great home defense options with the exception of the 22 long rifle version. There are plenty of accessories out there for this gun, and Ruger GP100 holsters are easy to find on our website.

2. Springfield XDS 9mm
Next on our list is a gun that needs no introduction, the Springfield XDS. Designed to be a carry pistol, this gun is lightweight, compact, and fast. Even when drawn from your Springfield XDS 9mm holster, you can get this gun out and start protecting yourself when you need it most. Chambered in 9mm, it can hold seven rounds plus one in the chamber. The 9mm is a great round that is powerful enough to stop an intruder but small enough to avoid crazy recoil that you will have to battle with larger calibers. When it comes down to it, there are plenty of reasons why this gun continues to be one of the most popular 9mm handguns in the country year after year.
3. Glock 19
If you want the king of 9mm handguns, however, there are few better than the Glock 19. Also chambered in 9mm, you get the same benefits of power and capacity without the heavy recoil of other calibers. The Glock 19 holds fifteen rounds, more than many of the other pistols of similar size and caliber. Most of the time you will keep this gun in a Glock 19 concealment holster, but even then you can quickly and easily access it in the middle of the night should you need to. The Glock 19 continues to be the most popular 9mm handgun in the entire world, and it is easily the most rugged, dependable, and high-capacity pistol on the market.
4. Springfield Hellcat
Another offering from Springfield, the Hellcat is a relatively new gun that was introduced in 2019. It has quickly made waves, however, as its excellent size, weight, and capacity have made it a popular concealed carry weapon. Chambered in 9mm, it can hold 11 or 13 rounds depending on the magazine that you are using. There are already plenty of different Springfield Hellcat accessories out on the market, from holsters, upgrades sights, and attachments that can take this pistol to the next level. If you want a new firearm to keep inside your nightstand that is sure to keep you safe, then the Hellcat might be a perfect option!
If you like the size of Hellcat you should also take a look at Tuaurs G2C and its holsters.
5. H&K VP9
If your budget is a little bit higher and you can afford something really special, then you may consider a firearm made by Heckler and Koch. Known for their outstanding quality and craftsmanship, these are amongst some of the finest firearms made in the world. For home defense, the VP9 is a great option due to its caliber and capacity. Depending on the magazine you are using, this weapon can hold 10, 15, or even 17 rounds at once. While a little pricier than other options here on our list, there are few guns out there that can stand up to this one. H&K VP9 accessories are a little limited, but you can find a neat holster here at Falco Holsters.

6. Sig P938
Next on our list is the Sig P938. The design of this pistol is inspired by the iconic 1911, and you can see these aspects in the appearance and function of this single-action handgun. Add a holster for your Sig P938 and you have a gun that can be used in any situation, from your home defense weapon to an all-day carry piece that can protect you wherever you go. Chambered in 9mm, you will also have plenty of power and capability should a threat ever arise. If you enjoy the design or look of a 1911, you are sure to enjoy shooting the Sig P938 as well. If you dont mind about 1911 looks P229 elite is something you should definitely consider.
7. Sig 226
Another excellent firearm from Sig, the 226 is a full-size pistol in comparison to many of the other pistols here on our list. This means while it is a little bigger and heavier, it will also be more accurate and hold many more rounds of ammunition. This pistol is also the choice of Navy Seal units so you know that you are using a high-quality firearm that you can bet your life on. Available in four different calibers, you can choose from 9mm, 40 S&W, 357 Sig, or 22 Long Rifle. Coupled with Sig 226 holsters and there is nothing this gun can’t do. For home defense purposes, any of the four with the exception of the 22 Long Rifle have more than enough power and speed to properly protect you and your loved ones!
8. Ruger LCR
Ruger makes some excellent revolvers, so it is no surprise to see another one here on our list. The LCR is a much smaller revolver than the previously mentioned GP100 and is designed to be a concealed carry weapon. It is also available in multiple different calibers, with 357 magnum, 9mm, 327 Fed Mag, and 38 Special being the most popular. Ruger LCR holsters are common and easy to find, and this gun easily slides in and out of the holster when drawn. Depending on which caliber you choose, you will have a capacity of 5 or 6 rounds to use when shooting. With no exposed hammer and smooth double action, this revolver is sure to impress everyone (even those who dislike revolvers in the first place).
9. Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm
Smith and Wesson is one of the most recognizable firearm companies in the world, so it is no surprise to see one of their handguns here on our list. Their M&P line stands for military and police and was made to be a direct competitor to Glock and their infamous line of battle-ready pistols. Smith and Wesson succeeded, and the M&P line of pistols has quickly become one of the best-selling pistol lines in history. The M&P 9 is a great gun for both concealed carry and home defense and comes in two sizes. The first is a full-size option that holds 19 rounds, and the second is a compact version that holds 12. Holsters for the Smith and Wesson M&P 9mm and Kydex holsters for S&W M&P Shield are easy to find on our website.
10. SCCY 9mm
For those looking for a more budget-friendly home defense pistol, those made by SCCY are of great quality at an excellent price. Their 9mm option is by far the most popular and makes for an excellent home defense pistol. This double-action semi-auto pistol has been around for almost 20 years and holds 10 rounds. While it is not as accurate or holds as many rounds as other pistols here on our list, it is dependable, reliable, and rugged. Not only that, but it is extremely affordable if you do not want to break the bank. Holsters for the SCCY 9mm are plentiful and easy to find, as are other accessories should you want to give it some upgrades to make it even better!

Final Thoughts
Protecting your home is much easier to do when you arm yourself with a quality firearm. While any firearms could be used to protect your home, there are many reasons why a simple handgun is easily the best choice. From their reliability to their size, you can sleep easy knowing that any of the guns here on our list will be the best guns possible for your home defense!
Martin Lukačko