
Holster Draw Techniques

Whether you are buying a gun for safety or to engage in combat com, learning how to use it is incremental. There is a saying that the best way to win a fight or a gunfight is not to engage in one, and the second way is to get a good hit. And a good impact more often than not is a result of a good draw.

Pancake style leather holster
Pancake style leather holster C109 Vulture

You can never get a perfect shot the first time, but instead, you need several ones actually to get one to work. Trust us. It is not like the movies. Knowing the right techniques to draw a firearm from the holster is of the utmost importance when learning how to shoot. 

That’s why today, we’ll talk about different holster draw techniques.

Different Holster Drawing Techniques

You may think that is one of the easiest parts - to get your gun out, but the speed and dangerous elements of the gun, along with your body utilities, can often make it one of the most challenging aspects of gun handling to master.

It is easier to shoot or to stay safe than actually to draw your gun out. Here are a few particular types of techniques you can use to draw your firearm from the holster.

  1. 1. Traditional Holster Drawing:

Hunting.com says that the most popular drawing technique, the traditional holster drawing, has been a part of the trainer for the longest time. There is an upward straight diagonal stroke that your hand and gun travel from the holster and the shooting position. You get it out in one stroke without stopping.

However, there are a few problems with the traditional holster drawing, and that is why it is not one of our favorites. With this technique, you cannot fire until you complete the stroke and extend your arm fully.

The shorter the span, while it takes you to do this can leave you potentially defenseless. While yes, this is not of particular importance if you are shooting at a shooting range, but in real-life combat, it could be potentially fatal.

Kydex holster for your gun with tactical light
Kydex holster for your gun with tactical light C905
  1. 2. Tactical Holster Drawing:

This technique is relatively recent, gaining traction for the last ten to fifteen years, but it is undeniably better than the traditional drawing in the close combat scenarios.

The right angle upward stroke required for this holster draw leaves us with enough room to get ready for the shot immediately. 

Moreover, the gun can be fired just out of the holster as it keeps the hand tucked to the chest and extended at a 90-degree angle. This technique is way better than the traditional technique due to its efficiency, speed, and readiness.

  1. 3. One-Handed Holster Drawing:

Not a lot of people give a lot of importance to these techniques, but if you are shot, on the one hand, this technique will save your life. There’s not much difference to a one-handed draw other than your strong hand does all the job without any support from the other hand.

Your stance should be standard, nothing exaggerated, but you can keep one leg forward for the enlarged area support.

CCW fanny pack made for your quick draw
CCW fanny pack made for your quick draw G121
  1. 4. Concealed Gun Holster Drawing:

When you are drawing a gun that is concealed, it is important to keep your fingers off the trigger and keep the garment out of the way. With a concealed gun, there is clothing in the way, whether it is an open or closed front garment.

You are never to be fast when drawing a concealed gun. With this technique, you don’t want to be as the speed is not of priority, but instead, concealment and stealth of the weapon and the action are.

  1. 5. Loose Clothing Holster Drawing:

While it is not the most suitable clothing for holster drawing, sometimes unexpected circumstances take place, and you have to draw a gun while wearing a loose garment.

In these scenarios, you have to control your clothing in one hand and draw your gun with another. With this technique, you have to be incredibly safe so that your garment is not snagged in with the weapon to cause an accident.

Hybrid belt holster
Hybrid belt holster C904


In the end, drawing the gun is one of the crucial parts of learning how to use them safely. Here we listed five different techniques under five other circumstances. We hope we were able to help and shed some light on holster draw techniques.

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Katarína Zacharová


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